scalp-micropigmentation-fue-fut-scar scar camouflage smp

Scar Camouflage

Concealing your FUE or FUT scar camouflage is now possible with scalp micropigmentation.


Scar Camouflage

Award winning treatment
10+ years of experience

Scalp Micro USA provides expert quality scalp micropigmentation treatments to help you conceal your scars. If you have a hair transplant and are looking to conceal your scar then look no further! Visit one of our clinics in New York City, Los Angeles, Houston, Fort Lauderdale, or Chicago to get started today.

30% of our clients

at Scalp Micro USA suffer from scars including hair transplant scarring. We have treated thousands of clients with all types of scars and are expertly trained to handle all scar cases.

75 - 85% improvement

in the appearance of scarring after your scalp micropigmentation treatment. On average, most clients see a significant improvement in their scar concealment after 3 smp cover-up sessions.

We help conceal

Strip Scarring, FUE/FUT Scarring, Plug Scarring, Alopecia Scarring, Accident Scarring

How it works

Scalp Micro USA is able to delicately deposit pigment into the scar tissue and surrounding area to help blend out and diminish the visibility of the scarring.

How it works

Conceal your scars


Book a FREE Consultation

Submit your info and our team will follow up with an in-person or phone consultation with one of our expert scalp micropigmentation artists.


2. During Your Consultation

See previous examples of scars, get your scar evaluated for possible treatment, and get all your questions answered.

3. Book Your Treatment

Schedule your scalp micropigmentation treatment and be that much closer to getting your scar camouflaged.

Free consultation

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Types of Consultations
  1. In Person – get all your questions answered face to face by an expert scalp micropigmentation artist.

  2. Phone – speak with an expert micropigmentation over the phone

  3. Facetime – Learn more about the scalp micropigmentation process with a Facetime chat

  4. Receive a quote and treatment plan based on your specific hair loss goals


Have Questions? Get Answers.

If you have questions about the scalp micropigmentation scar camouflage treatment that are not listed, please email our team at and we will get back to you as soon as we can!

Yes! By replicating tiny hair follicles inside the scarring and blending the color around the scarring area, transplant and surgical scars can see massive improvement in concealment.

Yes! We use our specialized scalp micropigmentation technique to deposit color matched pigment into the scar to reduce visibility.

You should expect 1-3 sessions to conceal your hair transplants scar. The Scalp Micropigmentation treatment typically takes 2-4 hours per session depending on your degree of scar. These treatments are usually spaced about 10-14 days apart.

Each scar is different and you will receive a quote for your treatment plan during your consultation.

With the FUE hair transplant procedure, each follicle is removed with a tiny round surgical punch. There will be scars with this procedure.  The size of the scare depends on the size of the FUE punch used by the surgeon.  This may result in a number of visible tiny scars.


With the FUT procedure, also known as “strip” surgery, a “strip” of scalp tissue with hair follicles is surgically removed to gain access to the hair follicles needed for transplant. The area removed will leave a long, thin scar. This treatment in most cases has been replaced by the FUE hair transplant which is more effective and has less scarring.

Hair transplant scars can range from small, round scars that result from the extraction of hair follicles to more visible linear scars that are more noticeable. Some scars may also develop into hypertrophic, raised, and thickened scars.

Scars from the hair and the transplanted area can be noticeable. Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) can be used to blend and conceal scars, giving the scarred area the effect of hair follicles. We usually see a reduction of 75-80% for most scar concealment cases.

Although there isn’t a way to get rid of your hair transplant scar, you can conceal it by using Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP). SMP is applied to the scarring area to fill in your scars and blend into your existing hair.

Hair transplant surgery scars will not go away. As with any scars, they can fade in time, but will never disappear. If you are looking to cover-up your existing hair transplant scars, SMP is a great solution. 

The size of the scar depends on which hair transplant procedure you decide to use.  FUE is the more popular procedure.  It involves extracting hair follicles and leaves small round scars at the extraction point.  FUT extracts sections of your skin that contain hair follicles and will leave long, thin scars.

The best way to conceal a hair transplant scar is to cover it up with Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP). SMP is applied to the scarring area to resemble hair follicles. 

While there isn’t a way to fix a hair transplant scar, you can cover it up with Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP).  SMP is applied to the scarring area to give the effect of hair follicles. 

Hair transplant scars never go away.  However some may fade slightly over time, but will never disappear.  You can conceal them with Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP).  SMP is applied to the scarring area to give the effect of hair follicles. 

The easiest way to hide FUE scars is to grow your hair longer. This is only an option for guys that are able to keep their hair at a longer length. Even at a longer length, you can use scalp micropigmentation to cover the scar and add density to the donor area. 

With the FUE Hair transplant surgery, each follicle is removed with a tiny round surgical tool.  The size of the scar depends on the size of the FUE punch used.  This will most likely result in a number of visible tiny scars.

You cannot remove scars, however you can hide them with Scalp Micropigmentation(SMP). SMP is applied to the scarring area to give the effect of hair follicles. 

FUE will leave permanent scars that may fade over time, but never go away.  The best solution is to have Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) cover them up.  SMP is applied to the scarring area to give the effect of hair follicles. 

Some facts

Did you know?

  • SMP is a non-invasive treatment that does not require any surgical incisions or recovery time, making it a great option for men who may be hesitant to undergo surgery.
  • This is a long lasting solution for hair loss. The average SMP treatment lasts typically between 4-6 years before a touch-up may be needed
  • Scalp micropigmentation is an effective solution for scar camouflage and clients typically see a significant improvement in scar concealment.
  • If you’ve had a hair transplant (FUE/FUT) and are unhappy with the visibility of your surgical scar, scalp micropigmentation can help conceal it