Scalp Micro is the leading provider for scalp micropigmentation treatments in the United States. If you’re looking for an effective hair loss solution, we can help! Visit one of SMP clinics in New York, Los Angeles, Houston, Chicago, or Fort Lauderdale.
Where to find us
Visit one of our clinics

- New York City, NY
- 290 5th Ave, 3rd Floor
- Los Angeles, CA
- 3007 Washington Blvd
- Houston, TX
- 5433 Westheimer Rd
- Chicago, IL
- 415 W Huron St 2nd floor
- Boca Raton, Florida
- 33 SE 4th St, Suite 101 Boca Raton, FL

Hear from our customers!
Get a free scalp micropigmentation consultation
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Types of Consultations
In Person – get all your questions answered face to face by an expert scalp micropigmentation artist.
Phone – speak with an expert micropigmentation over the phone
Facetime – Learn more about the scalp micropigmentation process with a Facetime chat
Receive a quote and treatment plan based on your specific hair loss goals