Los Angeles Actor Gets Scalp Micropigmentation

Scalp Micropigmentation in Los Angeles, CA
Dan is an actor from Los Angeles, California who has been struggling with hair loss for years. He first noticed he was experiencing hair loss on a studio set when a hairdresser pointed it out to him. Not shortly after, clumps of hair started falling out.
As a result, this started to affect Dan’s self-esteem and he began second-guessing himself during auditions. Instead of worrying about his lines, he would be thinking about his hair loss and if that would be the reason he wouldn’t get the gig. After years of struggling with hair loss, Dan came across scalp micropigmentation and decided to go for it!
Dan worked with Graig Lauricella in our Scalp Micro Los Angeles clinic. Graig runs the Houston, Texas clinic and provides guest scalp pigmentation treatments in Los Angeles, California as well. His goal is for every client to walk out of his office with newfound confidence and the ability to just be themselves again.
Graig has been an SMP practitioner for over 8 years and has worked with over 5,000 clients. Graig started losing his hair about 10 years ago and was introduced scalp micropigmentation, which gives guys the look of a short buzz cut. After years of wearing hats and hiding behind his hair loss, he decided to get the micro pigmentation treatment. Once Graig finished his own treatment, he knew his career would be focused on helping guys struggling with hair loss.
During the scalp micropigmentation procedure, Dan actually fell asleep! After Dan’s final session he was completely amazed. It was like he never had hair loss, everything was filled.
He was shocked and kept looking at the mirror wondering why he didn’t do this before. It’s changed his confidence and brought it back. Weeks later he’s able to trim it down to a buzzcut and people have made comments confused because they thought he was bald!
We’re looking forward to big things from our man Dan! For more information about scalp micropigmentation, setup your FREE consultation with one of our expert SMP practitioners.

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Get the perfect hairline, 100% guaranteed, with our scalp
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