
What Goes Into Your Customized Treatment Plan?

November 7th, 2023

At Scalp Micro USA, we offer personalized treatment plans to address individual hair loss experiences, goals, and scalp micropigmentation expectations. Whether you’re looking to address hair loss, restore your hairline, or achieve a new look, our customized treatment plans are designed to deliver results that align with your needs. Here is more information on what goes into your customized treatment plan:

The Components of Your Customized Treatment Plan

Initial Consultation

The scalp micropigmentation process begins with a personalized consultation. During this step, you’ll meet with our experts to discuss your hair loss concerns, expectations, and goals. 

Scalp Analysis

To achieve the best results, your scalp is thoroughly analyzed. This includes an assessment of your skin texture, hair density, and the degree of hair loss. If you have a skin condition, such as alopecia areata, our practitioners can evaluate the suitability of the desired treatment area. 

By understanding your unique scalp and style, we can tailor the SMP treatment to meet your specific needs. A scalp analysis allows us to estimate the number of sessions you’ll likely need to complete your final look. A greater degree of hair loss or scarring may require more sessions, with a typical range of two to three sessions.

Pigment Selection

Our advanced pigments are formulated to match your hair color and skin tone, creating a seamless and natural appearance. The right pigment selection is key for helping create a natural and seamless treatment.

Hairline Design

This is the most important part of the process and where we will spend the most time perfecting with your input. Your previous hairline, style, age and many other factors will determine which hairline style to choose. Whether you want a natural, slighly receded, or more bold barbershop lineup, rest assured that we can accomplish every look for your treatment outcome. Our skilled artists will work with you to create a natural and aesthetically pleasing hairline that complements your facial features and desired style. They can also provide examples of past treatment results similar to what you may be looking for. 

Benefits of a Customized SMP Treatment Plan

A personalized scalp micropigmentation treatment plan offers numerous benefits for our clients. By customizing every aspect of your SMP procedure, we can achieve natural-looking results, similar to the appearance of a short buzz cut. Your hairline, pigment, and design are all tailored to your unique features by coordinating them with your face shape, hair color, and skin complexion.

Your personalized plan helps the SMP treatment address your specific hair loss concerns. We can focus on areas that require the most attention, such as bald spots or scalp scars. Our follow-up and touch-up options are also designed to make sure you remain satisfied with your SMP over time.

Book a Scalp Micropigmentation Appointment With Scalp Micro USA

A hairline tattoo is an effective treatment for those with thinning or balding scalps. Contact our team at Scalp Micro USA today to schedule a consultation and review our service offerings. You can also visit one of our clinics in South Florida, New York City, Houston, Chicago, or Los Angeles to talk to one of our SMP practitioners.

Tired of hair loss?

Get the perfect hairline, 100% guaranteed, with our scalp
micropigmentation treatment that is customized just for you. No more
crazy combovers. No more ineffective medications. Just results.